Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The week that was as seen by the publicity department

The first week of May 2011 was relatively cool at FEP. The  country was obssessed with talks about fuel shortage with people wondering whether the Killing of Osama Bin Laden had a hand in it. However, the government blamed the oil companies
However at Kirimani FEP headquarters things were going on well. The Investments Manager Mr Peter Mwangi continued to receive and consolidate contributions from various spots. And the Accounting manager was still learning the ropes of the new system whereby every shilling released must pass thought different steps i.e Financial officer, The general manager for accountability's sake. The new HR Brenda was trying to learn the names and roles of everybody while the Micro-credit Operation manager Mirriam Gachau kept in touch with her staff on the ground.
Mr mwatha was in the office trying to streamline some information while The publicity officer was busy trying to keep up with the deadline of producing the first FEP  newspaper The Fountain Express. The group CEO Mr Kithaka had returned from his oversees tours where he had met our people in diaspora and he looked optimistic about the direction FEP was taking.

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